Metallica’s “M72 World Tour” relies on Wisycom for powerful full-spectrum RF coverage

Before heading out on the road with Metallica for the “M72 World Tour,” Live Sound Monitor Engineers and Technicians Mike “Mic” Bollella and Robert “Bob” Cowan looked to expand the band’s RF coverage with a full-spectrum solution that could be used worldwide. Driven by their desire to exceed expectations and grow their expertise in the audio production field, Bollella and Cowan continually look for solutions that provide the best live experiences for artists and fans alike. To achieve this for the M72 tour, which is performed in the round, Bollella and Cowan worked with RF Tech Stacey Handley to select Wisycom MTK982 Dual Wideband Transmitters.

Pictured (l to r): Metallica tech team members Bob Cowan, Stacey Handley and Mike Bollella

“We needed to expand on the RF spectrum that we could use, and we also needed a solid RF over fiber system,” explains Bollella, who first discovered Wisycom through colleagues in the industry. “We came to the realization that the Wisycom gear was really the next step forward in in-ear monitoring technology, which made our decision simple.”

The upgrade to Wisycom has been beneficial for a variety of reasons. “First and foremost, the jump in spectrum that we can use, not only in the U.S., but worldwide, is incredible,” says Bollella. “It is really beneficial to not have to rent additional gear for shows in markets with troublesome RF. Secondly, the technology behind the Wisycom combiners is powerful and advanced. It allows us to space the transmitters closer together when needed without worrying about certain intermod artifacts.”


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