ILDA-Awards 2023 to LOBO

Also in 2023, the laser show specialist LOBO from Aalen could again successfully compete among total 144 entries at the ceremony for the ILDA Artistic Awards. On the occasion of this year’s conference of the International Laser Display Association in Atlantic Beach, North Carolina, the artistic performances of spectacular laser and multimedia shows were honoured at a festive ceremony.

No less than three times the company was able to convince the jury and occupy top ranks. With 187 awards in total received over the years, LOBO could clarify further their existing lead in the all-time world ranking far ahead of all other members. And this makes LOBO the number one in the laser show industry.

The ILDA Award, which is selected and granted by competitors to fellow competitors for the best laser shows of the year, is known as the „Oscar“ of the laser and multimedia industry and considered as the objective benchmark in show design.

The ILDA, founded in 1986, is with its approx. 200 members the world-wide leading association in the laser show industry.

In the category „Beams / Atmospherics Show“ LOBO even received two awards with the shows „Hurricane“ und „Angel of Darkness“.

Another award received the show „Alea Sheran“, which is synchronized to the remix of the soundtrack from the motion picture movie Gladiator.


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