Capital Sound invests in Meyer Sound Leopard

Capital Sound Hire, for more than three decades ranked among the UK’s leading sound rental companies, has announced a significant new investment in Meyer Sound’s Leopard compact linear line array, the newest and smallest member of the powerful Leo Family. Recently delivered to Capital Sound’s London headquarters at Wimbledon were 24 Leopard loudspeakers, eight companion 900-LFC low frequency control elements and eight UPJ-1P loudspeakers.

“At Capital Sound we’ve had a long and successful relationship with Meyer Sound,” says Capital’s general manager Paul Timmins, “and now we expect Leopard will open us to an even wider range of clients and venues. It’s a perfect solution for theatre-size touring, for supplemental side hangs in arenas or for ground-stacked applications for entertainment or corporate events.”

Timmins notes that the new system was put to work immediately and has spurred interest on events well into the future. “Leopard was booked for the IAS Scientology event, replacing other Meyer Sound systems we’ve used in the past. We’ve had the full system requested for the year-end Katie Melua tour, and a tentative commitment from another major global act that we can’t name quite yet.”

Timmins further emphasizes the advantages of joining the expanding worldwide network of cooperating Leo Family rental companies. “We’ve always had great respect for Meyer’s global partner network, and we’ve forged strong relationships over the years, particularly with key partners in Europe. The Leopard purchase is the beginning of a new era that will bring more opportunities for joint ventures on events and tours of all sizes.”

In particular, Timmins notes that Bazelman’s AVR of the Netherlands already has stepped forward as a dry hire partner on the demanding Scientology project.


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