Clear-Com brought its new DX410 Wireless Intercom system to LDI 2015, a two-channel 2.4GHz digital wireless intercom system that features 7 kHz wideband audio, with upgraded radio technology for better transmission/reception, 2-wire/4-wire bridging, and 2-wire auto-nulling.
The bridging capability allows the 2-wire and 4-wire ports to be combined on either channel A or B; enabling operators to use a 4-wire out to send all audio to a mixer, matrix intercom or other audio source. 2-wire auto-nulling makes it easy to integrate the DX410 with Clear-Com or TW wired partyline systems. The DX410 uses a frequency hopping system (FHSS), and offers spectrum-friendly and Adaptive Frequency Hopping (AFH) modes, to avoid interference with Wi-Fi, while operating in the 2.4GHz band means that DX410 does not require radio licensing for use. Each DX410 base station can support as many as 15 BP410 wireless beltpacks and/or WH410 all-in-one wireless headsets at a time.