Chamsys @ LDI 2015

After the official launch at the last PL+S and only few weeks to go for shipping, Chamsys presents to the US-market the new MagicQ MQ80, that supports 24 universes directly from the console, via a central touchscreen that provides access to all features via eight encoder wheels for attribute and palette selection.

The faders, encoders, and execute buttons all have a little display immediately adjacent. Features include 10 playback faders with 200 pages, 20 execute buttons, 202 virtual playbacks, an internal Ethernet switch, an in-built UPS unit, and MIDI, audio, and SMTP support.

The console comes with the MagicVis visualizer and MagicHD media player app, and includes not only functions for flexible lighting control, but also media server connectivity, and in-built pixel-mapper.

The large central touch screen provides easy access to all MagicQ features and display and selection from full lighting plots.



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