LDI 2015 – Clay Paky

We’re back for Day Three of LDI 2015, and we’re starting the day off with Clay Paky’s booth. Several new products here from Clay Paky, including previews of two prototype products that are soon to be released by the company.

Clay Paky LDI 2015

The Scenius range now consists of two fixtures, the Scenius and Scenius Spot, both sitting at the top of Clay Paky’s moving head range. Also on display we have the Spheriscan, a mirror-based fixture that is a modern twist on the traditional scanner. Featuring continuous rotation, and the ability to be easily sunk into a stage set, as seen in the photo above, the fixture presents unique possibilities for set design.

We also had the opportunity to take a look at two prototype products from Clay Paky; Spazial and Hepikos. The Spazial Multi-beam LED Bar has adjustable mirrors in each segment, meaning that the user has control over the panning of the individual beams, as well as the tilting of the entire bar. Hepikos, which will soon be unveiled by the company, is a high powered wash effect light, which can be zoomed to also create a high power beam effect.

Info: www.claypaky.it

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