The absolute protagonist at Yamaha’s stand was the PM10 Rivage. Really beautiful, with top class finishings, (wood, anodized aluminum, nice feeling, luminous and easy to see screens) and all set to attract the attention of sound engineers all over the world. But we need to wait another few months before we see it on the market.
And at this point we need to say that in our opinion, if Yamaha had been a little more active in these past few years, maybe it would have not have lost its position so easily to its solid and highly productive competitors. But now let’s take a look at the console, the “big one”, it’s finally here and from what we saw during the show, it will definitely be able to fight the others and get its top place back. Andy Cooper from the R&D department of Yamaha UK described this product in detail in this exclusive video.
Rather ‘shadowed’ by the flagship product PM10, the series of TF Series ‘small format’ digital mixers were also on show at the booth of the Japanese manufacturer. Here once again, really well made using important materials. TouchFlow Operation™ enables to have easy to manage operations on the console also thanks to the touchscreen that is, among other options, also able to ‘slide’ the screenshots just like a smartphone.
Among the different options, which can all be found on the website of the manufacturer, we were impressed by GainFinder™ (Supports Precision Gain Setup) which, thanks to a system that is very similar to the one used for guitar tuners, helps to find the right level of gain for each instrument, if the right and unique level really exists… In any case, we are sure that it can be an important help in the most hectic situations, such as ‘line check ready set go’!
ZioGiorgio Staff
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