ClayPaky introduces Spheriscan and Scenius

This year, once again, Clay Paky was at ProLight + Sound to introduce – on the first day of the show – yet another new product. While many were expecting a more ‘beam-like’ beam or a more multifunctional multifunctional product, the northern-Italy based company has been going totally against the trend with a risky choice for many, but for others highly original: a combination of today’s technology with ‘vintage’. We are speaking about Spheriscan, a scanner with a 1200W lamp, 13°-34° high-speed zoom, 2 gobo wheels, rotating prisms, iris, linear frost filter, CMY colour mix system, colour wheel and CTO management.

Clay Paky Prolight + Sound 2015

The main features that attract the attention and imagination of lighting designers regard the mirror, with infinite pan and rotation, able to reach speeds of 280 revs per minute (4 revs per second) with 16-bit precise control.

Colour temperature control varies from 6000 K from the Osram 1200 lamp, up 2700 K with a CTO linear system.

Spheriscan was designed with IP54 protection level, which makes it ideal for outdoor use.

As we already mentioned in our live news during the fair, Scenius is the “female member” of “The Projectors” series, a spot with a zoom of 8°-55°, equipped with a 1400W Osram lamp with colour temperature of 6000K, able to provide a beam with CRI>90. It also has CMY colour mixing, rotating colour wheel, CTO linear filter, two gobo wheels (12 all together), rotating prisms and graphics wheel. Last but not least, the particular frost filter turns SCENIUS into a perfect washlight.

In the video, video Marco Zucchinali gives us an idea of the potential of these two new fixtures from Clay Paky.


ZioGiorgio Staff

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